
About Me

My name is Georgena Askew. Voted as a Top Face Painter in the greater El Paso, Texas, USA, area, Georgie Girl has held that record the longest and also serves communities surrounding Las Cruces, New Mexico, as well...on Facebook as "FaceOnFaceOff".
Georgie Girl is still charging pre-COVID prices; no inflation here!

Georgena Askew headshot

Add Something Extra Fun to Your Events

Georgie Girl is available for parties, corporate events, grand openings, fairs, festivals, picnics, and company events around the West Texas and Southern New Mexico regions. She was raised in El Paso and received her degree in education with a minor in art from UTEP. She earned her master's degree from Sul Ross University. She continues to be based in El Paso, offering services such as face painting, etc.

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